

All companies dealing in metals to some extent are well aware that in recent years the number of metal suppliers has increased significantly, as well as cases of non-compliance of the certificate with the supplied metal, not to mention cases of lack of certificates as such and direct forgery, the supply of cheaper varieties of products instead of expensive ones. The lack of express analysis in such cases can lead to huge economic losses, especially if the mismatch of the brand is found out already when the metal is put into production.

Investing in your own laboratory is a very good way to increase your own efficiency and product quality, to insure against losses caused by unscrupulous metal suppliers, and to save on alloying materials during your own metal smelting (with accurate analysis, you can melt metal at the lower limit using expensive alloying additives allowed by GOST or TU, without the risk of getting non-branded metal).

If you are just starting to create a laboratory, it is very useful to consult with specialists in the field of spectral analysis on the choice of the type of equipment. This will help you avoid mistakes.