About us

About us

The research and production enterprise "Spectral Laboratory" was established in 1992 in St. Petersburg by a group of specialists-developers of optical, mechanical, and electronic devices with experience in scientific research and production of optical spectrometers. The goal is to develop and manufacture new instruments for spectral analysis. The first significant development was the "SL" electronic devices for mass replacement of traditional electronics in hundreds of already produced domestic and imported spectrometers. Then these devices had no analogues in Russia on the principle of operation and reliability. For the first time in the domestic analytical instrumentation, semiconductor switches were used instead of electromechanical relays. This provided an equally high accuracy of measuring the strong and weak intensities of spectral lines. It is based on the principle of dynamic accumulation of signals.

The level of electronics and software offered by the company "Spectral Laboratory", initially exclusive, later became a new Russian standard. The company's achievement was the development and continuous improvement of new excitation sources for spectral analysis. Especially successful was the IVS-500 source, which is currently offered in a universal version: low-voltage and high-voltage sparks, arcs, as well as a combined discharge (combining in one discharge both an arc – for the analysis of small impurities, and a spark - for the analysis of alloying elements). A new direction for its time was the development of devices based on CCD lines. One of the first such devices was a photoelectronic cassette for replacing photographic plates in spectrographs.

At the next stage, the company received a license for the development of devices and began to develop and produce individual units and full-fledged spectrometers. A notable achievement was the development of Russia's first mobile emission spectrometer "Minilab SL". The subsequent development and undoubted success was the release of the desktop universal spectrometer MSA.

Responding to the request of the domestic industry, the company has developed a hydrogen analyzer in titanium "Titan N SL". This unique device is in constant demand among machine builders and wherever titanium is used in products.

Having gone from single samples to mass production, the company does not stop there. Today, the Spectral Laboratory Group of Companies is a dynamically developing research and production enterprise that has gained the authority and respect of the professional community. More than 500 spectrometers of the MFS and DFS series, a number of imported emission spectrometers with unique electronics of our production, hundreds of spectrometers of our own design are successfully operated at enterprises and organizations in Russia and the CIS countries.

Having experienced developers of various specialties, including physicists and opticians, service engineers and electronics engineers, the company is ready to solve complex scientific and technical problems, implement innovative projects, combining advanced ideas with traditions, ensuring continuity in the development of optical circuits and analysis methods. When discussing projects, we offer customers a comprehensive supply, including exclusive developments in sampling (modern coquilles for obtaining representative metal samples), sample preparation (we can purchase, in particular, the only machine in Russia for precision surface preparation of samples), provide full-fledged training in St. Petersburg and on the ground. Qualified machine operators and our own production base allow us to produce new devices with high quality and to ensure the independence of production from the external environment, to respond flexibly to the wishes of customers.

Having reached the level of thousands of users, we had to think through the maintenance of our equipment. For the full functioning of the service service, the company "Spectroservice" was created, which is engaged in the supply of spare parts, additional equipment and user support.

We should also focus on the production of much-needed optical emission analysis (and not only!) installations for the production of pure gases. Most modern manufacturers of spectrometers in Russia and abroad have come to the conclusion that the use of argon is optimal in optical spectrometry. After weighing the pros and cons of vacuuming, the developers clearly spoke for argon. But the gas must contain at least 99.998% argon. This has led to the need to develop and manufacture argon purification plants, as only a small number of manufacturers can provide the required purity.

It turned out that the industry is interested in devices for additional gas purification up to 99.998% and higher. Serial production of fine gas treatment plants for various gases was developed and started. So there was a family of installations "Epishur-A", named after crustaceans, whose contribution to the purification of Lake Baikal is recognized by biological science. Now this family has in its composition different in size (from a suitcase to a cabinet), in performance and in purpose of the device. It is possible to purify the following gases (except argon): all inert gases, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, pyrolysis gases - up to a purity of 99.999999% or higher at the request of the customer. The plants can operate for 10 years or more without replacing the catalyst. These devices are in constant demand. The Spectral Laboratory Group of companies is the only company in Russia that offers the creation of a "turnkey" spectral laboratory using equipment of its own production. By purchasing a spectrometer, the customer receives the rest of the necessary equipment at a significant discount.

All devices are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and have certificates. The production is certified by GOST ISO 9001-2011.